암호화/복호화 함수
페이지 정보
작성자 최고관리자 작성일 21-02-09 11:47 조회 12,133 댓글 0본문
출처 : http://gkoh.ft.co.kr/numz/section/club.php?slid=webdev
쿠키를 암호화할려고 소스를 찾던중에 pscode.com에 가니까 쓸만한 소스가 있어서 퍼왔습니다.
Title: Encrypt/Decrypt Text
Description: This fabulous class encrypts and decrypts any chain of characters, it uses an encryption method without having an exact order neither a fixed size of chain.
This class was developed originally by Kelvin C. Perez for the language VB and implemented in PHP by Heriberto Mantilla Santamaria.
View online example --> http://hackprotm.webcindario.com/EncryptDemo/Demo.html
This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code
You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=1760&lngWId=8
The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.
위에 링크에서 소스 받아서 다운로드 받고 압축을 풀면 includes/EnDecryptText.php
파일이 핵심입니다.
include_once "EnDecryptText.php";
$EnDecryptText = new EnDecryptText();
$s1 = "동서 南北 Abc.";
$s2 = $EnDecryptText->Encrypt_Text($s1);
$s3 = $EnDecryptText->Decrypt_Text($s2);
echo "<xmp>$s1</xmp>";
echo "<xmp>$s2</xmp>";
echo "<xmp>$s3</xmp>";
★ 결과 ↓
동서 南北 Abc.
동서 南北 Abc.
★ 특징 ↓
암호화된 글자가 숫자하고 알파벳으로만 구성됨.
암호화된 글자가 그때 그때마다 다름 (새로고침 클릭해 보면 됩니다)
★ 주의사항 ↓
EnDecryptText.php 의 내용중에 Modules:: 글자를 $this-> 로 바꿔야 합니다.
Modules:: 은 첨보는거라서 뭐가 뭔지 모르겠지만, 클래스에서 새끼(?) 함수를
호출하려면 $this->로 해야할것 같아서 그렇게 했는데, 잘되더군요.
★ EnDecryptText.php 수정된 소스 ↓
//* Reservados todos los derechos HACKPRO TM ?2005 *//
//* Si?tase libre para usar esta clase en sus p?inas, *//
//* con tal de que TODOS los cr?itos permanecen intactos.*//
//* S?o ladrones deshonrosos transmite el c?igo que los *//
//* programadores REALES escriben con dif?ultad y libre- *//
//* mente lo comparten quitando los comentarios y diciendo*//
//* que ellos escribieron el c?igo. *//
//* Encrypts and Decrypts a chain. *//
//* Original in VB for: Kelvin C. Perez. *//
//* E-Mail: kelvin_perez@msn.com *//
//* WebSite: http://home.coqui.net/punisher *//
//* 수정 By 칼솜 : Modules:: 를 몽땅 $this-> 로 바꿈 *//
//* Programmed in PHP for: Heriberto Mantilla Santamar?. *//
//* E-Mail: heri_05-hms@mixmail.com *//
//* WebSite: www.geocities.com/hackprotm/ *//
//* Feel free to use this class in your pages, provided *//
//* ALL credits remain intact. Only dishonorable thieves *//
//* download code that REAL programmers work hard to write*//
//* and freely share with their programming peers, then *//
//* remove the comments and claim that they wrote the *//
//* code. *//
//* All Rights Reserved HACKPRO TM ?2005 *//
class EnDecryptText // Create a class of EnDecryptText.
// Encrypt a chain of text.
// Parameters
// $cText: Chain to encrypt.
function Encrypt_Text($cText)
{$eText = $cText;
// Get a random Number between 1 and 100. This will be the multiplier
// for the Ascii value of the characters.
$nEncKey = intval((100 * $this->Rnd()) + 1);
// Loop until we get a random value betwee 5 and 7. This will be
// the lenght (with leading zeros) of the value of the Characters.
$nCharSize = 0;
$nUpperBound = 10;
$nLowerBound = 5;
$nCharSize = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
// Encrypt the Size of the characters and convert it to String.
// This size has to be standard so we always get the right character.
$cCharSize = $this->fEncryptedKeySize($nCharSize);
// Convert the KeyNumber to String with leading zeros.
$cEncKey = $this->NumToString($nEncKey, $nCharSize);
// Get the text to encrypt and it's size.
$cEncryptedText = '';
$nTextLenght = strlen($eText);
// Loop thru the text one character at the time.
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= $nTextLenght; $nCounter++)
{// Get the Next Character.
$cChar = $this->Mid($eText, $nCounter, 1);
// Get Ascii Value of the character multplied by the Key Number.
$nChar = ord($cChar) * $nEncKey;
// Get the String version of the Ascii Code with leading zeros.
// using the Random generated Key Lenght.
$cChar2 = $this->NumToString($nChar, $nCharSize);
// Add the Newly generated character to the encrypted text variable.
$cEncryptedText .= $cChar2;
// Separate the text in two to insert the enc
// key in the middle of the string.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cEncryptedText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cEncryptedText, $nLeft);
$nRight = strlen($cEncryptedText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cEncryptedText, $nRight);
// Add a Dummy string at the end to fool people.
$cDummy = $this->CreateDummy();
// Add all the strings together to get the final result.
$this->InsertInTheMiddle($cEncryptedText, $cEncKey);
$this->InsertInTheMiddle($cEncryptedText, $cCharSize);
$cEncryptedText = $this->CreateDummy() . $cEncryptedText . $this->CreateDummy();
return $cEncryptedText;
// Decrypt a chain of text.
// Parameters
// $cText: Chain to decrypt.
function Decrypt_Text($cText)
{$cTempText = $cText;
$cDecryptedText = '';
$cText = '';
// Replace alpha characters for zeros.
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= strlen($cTempText); $nCounter++)
{$cChar = $this->Mid($cTempText, $nCounter, 1);
if ($this->IsNumeric($cChar) == true)
$cText .= $cChar;
$cText .= '0';
// Get the size of the key.
$cText = $this->strleft($cText, strlen($cText) - 4);
$cText = $this->strright($cText, strlen($cText) - 4);
$nCharSize = 0;
$this->Extract_Char_Size($cText, $nCharSize);
$this->Extract_Enc_Key($cText, $nCharSize, $nEncKey);
// Decrypt the Size of the encrypted characters.
$nTextLenght = strlen($cText);
// Loop thru text in increments of the Key Size.
$nCounter = 1;
{// Get a Character the size of the key.
$cChar = $this->Mid($cText, $nCounter, $nCharSize);
// Get the value of the character.
$nChar = $this->Val($cChar);
// Divide the value by the Key to get the real value of the character.
if ($nEncKey > 0) $nChar2 = $nChar / $nEncKey;
// Convert the value to the character.
$cChar2 = chr($nChar2);
$cDecryptedText .= $cChar2;
$nCounter += $nCharSize;
}while ($nCounter <= strlen($cText));
// Clear any unwanted spaces and show the decrypted text.
return trim($cDecryptedText);
// Extract the Character Size from the middle of the exncrypted text.
// Par?etros
// &$cText: Cadena.
// &$nCharSize: Tama? de la cadena.
function Extract_Char_Size(&$cText, &$nCharSize)
{// Get the half left side of the text.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cText, $nLeft);
// Get the half right side of the text.
$nRight = strlen($cText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cText, $nRight);
// Get the key from the text.
$nKeyEnc = $this->Val($this->strright($cLeft, 2));
$nKeySize = $this->Val($this->strleft($cRight, 2));
if ($nKeyEnc >= 5)
$nCharSize = $nKeySize + $nKeyEnc;
$nCharSize = $nKeySize - $nKeyEnc;
$cText = $this->strleft($cLeft, strlen($cLeft) - 2) . $this->strright($cRight, strlen($cRight) - 2);
// Extract the Encryption Key from the middle of the encrypted text.
// Parameters
// &$cText: Chain.
// $nCharSize: Length of the chain.
// &$nEncKey: Length of the chain encrypt.
function Extract_Enc_Key(&$cText, $nCharSize, &$nEncKey)
{$cEncKey = '';
// Get the real size of the text (without the previously
// stored character size).
$nLenght = strlen($cText) - $nCharSize;
// Get the half left and half right sides of the text.
$nLeft = intval($nLenght / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cText, $nLeft);
$nRight = $nLenght - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cText, $nRight);
// Get the key from the text.
$cEncKey = $this->Mid($cText, $nLeft + 1, $nCharSize);
// Get the numeric value of the key.
$nEncKey = $this->Val(trim($cEncKey));
// Get the real text to decrypt (left side + right side).
$cText = $cLeft . $cRight;
// Just to fool people....never show the real size in the string but we need to know
// what we used in order to decrypt it so we will store the both in the string but
// maked.
// Parameters
// $nKeySize: Length of the chain encrypt.
function fEncryptedKeySize($nKeySize)
{$nLowerBound = 0;
$nKeyEnc = intval(($nKeySize - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if ($nKeyEnc >= 5)
$nKeySize = $nKeySize - $nKeyEnc;
$nKeySize = $nKeySize + $nKeyEnc;
return $this->NumToString($nKeyEnc, 2) . $this->NumToString($nKeySize, 2);
// Convert a number to string using a fixed size using zeros in front of the real
// number to match the desired size.
// Parameters
// $nNumber: Chain that n Numbers contains.
// $nZeros: Quantity of zeros to add to the chain.
function NumToString($nNumber, $nZeros)
{// Check that the zeros to fill are not smaller than the actual size.
$cNumber = trim(strval($nNumber));
$nLenght = strlen($cNumber);
if ($nZeros < $nLenght) $nZeros = 0;
$nUpperBound = 122;
$nLowerBound = 65;
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= ($nZeros - $nLenght); $nCounter++)
{// Add a zero in front of the string until we reach the desired size.
$lCreated = false;
{$nNumber = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if (($nNumber > 90) && ($nNumber < 97))
$lCreated = false;
$lCreated = true;
}while ($lCreated == false);
$cChar = chr($nNumber);
$cNumber = $cChar . $cNumber;
// Return the resulting string.
return $cNumber;
// Insert a string in the middle of another.
// Parameters
// &$cSourceText: Chain.
// $cTextToInsert: Chain to insert inside $cSourceText.
function InsertInTheMiddle(&$cSourceText, $cTextToInsert)
{// Get the half left and half right sides of the text.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cSourceText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cSourceText, $nLeft);
$nRight = strlen($cSourceText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cSourceText, $nRight);
// Insert cTextToString in the middle of cSourceText.
$cSourceText = $cLeft . $cTextToInsert . $cRight;
function CreateDummy()
{$nUpperBound = 122;
$nLowerBound = 48;
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= 4; $nCounter++)
{$lCreated = false;
{$nDummy = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if ((($nDummy > 57) && ($nDummy < 65)) || (($nDummy > 90) && ($nDummy < 97)))
$lCreated = false;
$lCreated = true;
}while ($lCreated == false);
$cDummy .= chr($nDummy);
return $cDummy;
// Function of chain handling. //
// Returns a specification number of characters of the left side of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $nLeft: Number of left characters to right.
function strleft($tmp, $nLeft)
{$len = strlen($tmp);
if ($nLeft == 0)
$str = '';
else if ($nLeft < $len)
$str = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, $nLeft);
return $str;
// Returns a specification number of characters of the right side of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $nRight: Number of right characters to left.
function strright($tmp, $nRight)
{$len = strlen($tmp);
if ($nRight == 0)
$str = '';
else if ($nRight < $len)
$str = $this->Mid($tmp, $len - $nRight + 1, $len);
return $str;
// Returns a specification number of characters of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $start: Starting position in the chain.
// $length: Quantity of left characters to right.
function Mid($tmp, $start, $length)
{$str = substr($tmp, $start - 1, $length);
return $str;
// Functions for handling of numbers. //
// Generates a Random number.
function Rnd()
{srand(); // Initialize random-number generator.
{$tmp = abs(tan(rand()));
}while (($tmp > "1") || ($tmp < "0"));
$tmp = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, 8);
return $tmp;
// Takes the numbers that it is in a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
function Val($tmp)
{$length = strlen($tmp);
$tmp2 = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++)
{$tmp1 = $this->Mid($tmp, $i, 1);
if ($this->IsNumeric($tmp1) == 1)
{$tmp2 .= $tmp1;}
return intval($tmp2);
// Returns if an expression you can evaluate as a number.
// Parameters
// $cChar: Chain.
function IsNumeric($cChar)
{$tmp = ord($cChar);
if (($tmp < 48) || ($tmp > 57))
$tmp = false;
$tmp = true;
return $tmp;
쿠키를 암호화할려고 소스를 찾던중에 pscode.com에 가니까 쓸만한 소스가 있어서 퍼왔습니다.
Title: Encrypt/Decrypt Text
Description: This fabulous class encrypts and decrypts any chain of characters, it uses an encryption method without having an exact order neither a fixed size of chain.
This class was developed originally by Kelvin C. Perez for the language VB and implemented in PHP by Heriberto Mantilla Santamaria.
View online example --> http://hackprotm.webcindario.com/EncryptDemo/Demo.html
This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code
You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=1760&lngWId=8
The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.
위에 링크에서 소스 받아서 다운로드 받고 압축을 풀면 includes/EnDecryptText.php
파일이 핵심입니다.
include_once "EnDecryptText.php";
$EnDecryptText = new EnDecryptText();
$s1 = "동서 南北 Abc.";
$s2 = $EnDecryptText->Encrypt_Text($s1);
$s3 = $EnDecryptText->Decrypt_Text($s2);
echo "<xmp>$s1</xmp>";
echo "<xmp>$s2</xmp>";
echo "<xmp>$s3</xmp>";
★ 결과 ↓
동서 南北 Abc.
동서 南北 Abc.
★ 특징 ↓
암호화된 글자가 숫자하고 알파벳으로만 구성됨.
암호화된 글자가 그때 그때마다 다름 (새로고침 클릭해 보면 됩니다)
★ 주의사항 ↓
EnDecryptText.php 의 내용중에 Modules:: 글자를 $this-> 로 바꿔야 합니다.
Modules:: 은 첨보는거라서 뭐가 뭔지 모르겠지만, 클래스에서 새끼(?) 함수를
호출하려면 $this->로 해야할것 같아서 그렇게 했는데, 잘되더군요.
★ EnDecryptText.php 수정된 소스 ↓
//* Reservados todos los derechos HACKPRO TM ?2005 *//
//* Si?tase libre para usar esta clase en sus p?inas, *//
//* con tal de que TODOS los cr?itos permanecen intactos.*//
//* S?o ladrones deshonrosos transmite el c?igo que los *//
//* programadores REALES escriben con dif?ultad y libre- *//
//* mente lo comparten quitando los comentarios y diciendo*//
//* que ellos escribieron el c?igo. *//
//* Encrypts and Decrypts a chain. *//
//* Original in VB for: Kelvin C. Perez. *//
//* E-Mail: kelvin_perez@msn.com *//
//* WebSite: http://home.coqui.net/punisher *//
//* 수정 By 칼솜 : Modules:: 를 몽땅 $this-> 로 바꿈 *//
//* Programmed in PHP for: Heriberto Mantilla Santamar?. *//
//* E-Mail: heri_05-hms@mixmail.com *//
//* WebSite: www.geocities.com/hackprotm/ *//
//* Feel free to use this class in your pages, provided *//
//* ALL credits remain intact. Only dishonorable thieves *//
//* download code that REAL programmers work hard to write*//
//* and freely share with their programming peers, then *//
//* remove the comments and claim that they wrote the *//
//* code. *//
//* All Rights Reserved HACKPRO TM ?2005 *//
class EnDecryptText // Create a class of EnDecryptText.
// Encrypt a chain of text.
// Parameters
// $cText: Chain to encrypt.
function Encrypt_Text($cText)
{$eText = $cText;
// Get a random Number between 1 and 100. This will be the multiplier
// for the Ascii value of the characters.
$nEncKey = intval((100 * $this->Rnd()) + 1);
// Loop until we get a random value betwee 5 and 7. This will be
// the lenght (with leading zeros) of the value of the Characters.
$nCharSize = 0;
$nUpperBound = 10;
$nLowerBound = 5;
$nCharSize = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
// Encrypt the Size of the characters and convert it to String.
// This size has to be standard so we always get the right character.
$cCharSize = $this->fEncryptedKeySize($nCharSize);
// Convert the KeyNumber to String with leading zeros.
$cEncKey = $this->NumToString($nEncKey, $nCharSize);
// Get the text to encrypt and it's size.
$cEncryptedText = '';
$nTextLenght = strlen($eText);
// Loop thru the text one character at the time.
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= $nTextLenght; $nCounter++)
{// Get the Next Character.
$cChar = $this->Mid($eText, $nCounter, 1);
// Get Ascii Value of the character multplied by the Key Number.
$nChar = ord($cChar) * $nEncKey;
// Get the String version of the Ascii Code with leading zeros.
// using the Random generated Key Lenght.
$cChar2 = $this->NumToString($nChar, $nCharSize);
// Add the Newly generated character to the encrypted text variable.
$cEncryptedText .= $cChar2;
// Separate the text in two to insert the enc
// key in the middle of the string.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cEncryptedText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cEncryptedText, $nLeft);
$nRight = strlen($cEncryptedText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cEncryptedText, $nRight);
// Add a Dummy string at the end to fool people.
$cDummy = $this->CreateDummy();
// Add all the strings together to get the final result.
$this->InsertInTheMiddle($cEncryptedText, $cEncKey);
$this->InsertInTheMiddle($cEncryptedText, $cCharSize);
$cEncryptedText = $this->CreateDummy() . $cEncryptedText . $this->CreateDummy();
return $cEncryptedText;
// Decrypt a chain of text.
// Parameters
// $cText: Chain to decrypt.
function Decrypt_Text($cText)
{$cTempText = $cText;
$cDecryptedText = '';
$cText = '';
// Replace alpha characters for zeros.
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= strlen($cTempText); $nCounter++)
{$cChar = $this->Mid($cTempText, $nCounter, 1);
if ($this->IsNumeric($cChar) == true)
$cText .= $cChar;
$cText .= '0';
// Get the size of the key.
$cText = $this->strleft($cText, strlen($cText) - 4);
$cText = $this->strright($cText, strlen($cText) - 4);
$nCharSize = 0;
$this->Extract_Char_Size($cText, $nCharSize);
$this->Extract_Enc_Key($cText, $nCharSize, $nEncKey);
// Decrypt the Size of the encrypted characters.
$nTextLenght = strlen($cText);
// Loop thru text in increments of the Key Size.
$nCounter = 1;
{// Get a Character the size of the key.
$cChar = $this->Mid($cText, $nCounter, $nCharSize);
// Get the value of the character.
$nChar = $this->Val($cChar);
// Divide the value by the Key to get the real value of the character.
if ($nEncKey > 0) $nChar2 = $nChar / $nEncKey;
// Convert the value to the character.
$cChar2 = chr($nChar2);
$cDecryptedText .= $cChar2;
$nCounter += $nCharSize;
}while ($nCounter <= strlen($cText));
// Clear any unwanted spaces and show the decrypted text.
return trim($cDecryptedText);
// Extract the Character Size from the middle of the exncrypted text.
// Par?etros
// &$cText: Cadena.
// &$nCharSize: Tama? de la cadena.
function Extract_Char_Size(&$cText, &$nCharSize)
{// Get the half left side of the text.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cText, $nLeft);
// Get the half right side of the text.
$nRight = strlen($cText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cText, $nRight);
// Get the key from the text.
$nKeyEnc = $this->Val($this->strright($cLeft, 2));
$nKeySize = $this->Val($this->strleft($cRight, 2));
if ($nKeyEnc >= 5)
$nCharSize = $nKeySize + $nKeyEnc;
$nCharSize = $nKeySize - $nKeyEnc;
$cText = $this->strleft($cLeft, strlen($cLeft) - 2) . $this->strright($cRight, strlen($cRight) - 2);
// Extract the Encryption Key from the middle of the encrypted text.
// Parameters
// &$cText: Chain.
// $nCharSize: Length of the chain.
// &$nEncKey: Length of the chain encrypt.
function Extract_Enc_Key(&$cText, $nCharSize, &$nEncKey)
{$cEncKey = '';
// Get the real size of the text (without the previously
// stored character size).
$nLenght = strlen($cText) - $nCharSize;
// Get the half left and half right sides of the text.
$nLeft = intval($nLenght / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cText, $nLeft);
$nRight = $nLenght - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cText, $nRight);
// Get the key from the text.
$cEncKey = $this->Mid($cText, $nLeft + 1, $nCharSize);
// Get the numeric value of the key.
$nEncKey = $this->Val(trim($cEncKey));
// Get the real text to decrypt (left side + right side).
$cText = $cLeft . $cRight;
// Just to fool people....never show the real size in the string but we need to know
// what we used in order to decrypt it so we will store the both in the string but
// maked.
// Parameters
// $nKeySize: Length of the chain encrypt.
function fEncryptedKeySize($nKeySize)
{$nLowerBound = 0;
$nKeyEnc = intval(($nKeySize - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if ($nKeyEnc >= 5)
$nKeySize = $nKeySize - $nKeyEnc;
$nKeySize = $nKeySize + $nKeyEnc;
return $this->NumToString($nKeyEnc, 2) . $this->NumToString($nKeySize, 2);
// Convert a number to string using a fixed size using zeros in front of the real
// number to match the desired size.
// Parameters
// $nNumber: Chain that n Numbers contains.
// $nZeros: Quantity of zeros to add to the chain.
function NumToString($nNumber, $nZeros)
{// Check that the zeros to fill are not smaller than the actual size.
$cNumber = trim(strval($nNumber));
$nLenght = strlen($cNumber);
if ($nZeros < $nLenght) $nZeros = 0;
$nUpperBound = 122;
$nLowerBound = 65;
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= ($nZeros - $nLenght); $nCounter++)
{// Add a zero in front of the string until we reach the desired size.
$lCreated = false;
{$nNumber = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if (($nNumber > 90) && ($nNumber < 97))
$lCreated = false;
$lCreated = true;
}while ($lCreated == false);
$cChar = chr($nNumber);
$cNumber = $cChar . $cNumber;
// Return the resulting string.
return $cNumber;
// Insert a string in the middle of another.
// Parameters
// &$cSourceText: Chain.
// $cTextToInsert: Chain to insert inside $cSourceText.
function InsertInTheMiddle(&$cSourceText, $cTextToInsert)
{// Get the half left and half right sides of the text.
$nLeft = intval(strlen($cSourceText) / 2);
$cLeft = $this->strleft($cSourceText, $nLeft);
$nRight = strlen($cSourceText) - $nLeft;
$cRight = $this->strright($cSourceText, $nRight);
// Insert cTextToString in the middle of cSourceText.
$cSourceText = $cLeft . $cTextToInsert . $cRight;
function CreateDummy()
{$nUpperBound = 122;
$nLowerBound = 48;
for($nCounter = 1; $nCounter <= 4; $nCounter++)
{$lCreated = false;
{$nDummy = intval(($nUpperBound - $nLowerBound + 1) * $this->Rnd() + $nLowerBound);
if ((($nDummy > 57) && ($nDummy < 65)) || (($nDummy > 90) && ($nDummy < 97)))
$lCreated = false;
$lCreated = true;
}while ($lCreated == false);
$cDummy .= chr($nDummy);
return $cDummy;
// Function of chain handling. //
// Returns a specification number of characters of the left side of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $nLeft: Number of left characters to right.
function strleft($tmp, $nLeft)
{$len = strlen($tmp);
if ($nLeft == 0)
$str = '';
else if ($nLeft < $len)
$str = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, $nLeft);
return $str;
// Returns a specification number of characters of the right side of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $nRight: Number of right characters to left.
function strright($tmp, $nRight)
{$len = strlen($tmp);
if ($nRight == 0)
$str = '';
else if ($nRight < $len)
$str = $this->Mid($tmp, $len - $nRight + 1, $len);
return $str;
// Returns a specification number of characters of a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
// $start: Starting position in the chain.
// $length: Quantity of left characters to right.
function Mid($tmp, $start, $length)
{$str = substr($tmp, $start - 1, $length);
return $str;
// Functions for handling of numbers. //
// Generates a Random number.
function Rnd()
{srand(); // Initialize random-number generator.
{$tmp = abs(tan(rand()));
}while (($tmp > "1") || ($tmp < "0"));
$tmp = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, 8);
return $tmp;
// Takes the numbers that it is in a chain.
// Parameters
// $tmp: Chain.
function Val($tmp)
{$length = strlen($tmp);
$tmp2 = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++)
{$tmp1 = $this->Mid($tmp, $i, 1);
if ($this->IsNumeric($tmp1) == 1)
{$tmp2 .= $tmp1;}
return intval($tmp2);
// Returns if an expression you can evaluate as a number.
// Parameters
// $cChar: Chain.
function IsNumeric($cChar)
{$tmp = ord($cChar);
if (($tmp < 48) || ($tmp > 57))
$tmp = false;
$tmp = true;
return $tmp;
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